The lie of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”
The saying “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” irks me because I think this is how the powerful control the masses and how we each live in denial of the ways we hurt ourselves and others.
I think the point is to see the evil, to bring it into the light.
Seeing is the sense of light (we can’t see in the dark).
So when we actually see it, we bring it into the light and the fire transforms it.
We burn away ignorance. It won’t feel blissful, at first. But that’s the point, to see the evil for what it is, to feel it’s pain.
We become aware of the illusion that they are selling us.
And then we can work to not buy into it, to create our own visions.
Hearing is the sense of the heart, of spirit.
This is why music is such an emotional experience.
If we can hear the evil, we can feel it and if we can feel it, we can first accept what it is and then work to transform it. The process of inner alchemy.
Our hearts have the ability to connect to the whole world via emotions. Our pain unites us, and United we are strong. United, we focus on how we can heal because we are no longer distracted by us vs. them narratives that keep the big people in power. United, we take our power back by feeling.
We can begin to actually hear each other instead of the propaganda bullshit they want us to hear. We can hear the same struggles in different accents and languages. And then we know the truth.
Speaking is the sense of taste, of water. Water dissolves as the great mixer of the world. Emotions are like tastes, flavors of existence.
Speaking no evil is a good practice, but I think the more powerful practice is to forgive ourselves when we do.
Denial does nothing to solve problems.
Only when we can truly face the ‘evil’ within ourselves - the ways we hurt, control, manipulate people - is when we can truly implement change.
Shame is a bad taste, appearing when the inner evil comes out. Not pleasant but an important flavor of life.
Shame is a course corrector, there to let you know that you have gotten off path, that your aren’t living according to your deeper values.
The truth is that we are all ‘evil’ at some points, in some capacities, but the more we shove it down and pretend it’s not there, the more it controls us by forcing it’s way out.
When we truly face it, it loses its power over us because we are not afraid, only honest with ourselves. We can set ourselves up so that we don’t have to let the evil out to get what we want. We ask for it in the first place.
Our voices are powerful. We speak our existence into being.
I vow to myself to see the evil, to hear it and to forgive myself as a means to create the space to be the change I wish to see in the world.